Welcome to 2Jour World!
I am the founder and owner of UK-based luxury lifestyle e-shop 2Jour Concierge and professional sharing here on:
Scope on my consultancy in luxury. I work in three main fields, mainly within luxury & fashion: e-commerce, customer relations, marketing & communications
Editorial with insights and real cases in luxury business. I do analyse mainly on luxury fashion, detect gaps and offer solutions in my publications. Some ideas which I find the most beneficial are available subscription-only (here). I also share some secrets which we use for 2Jour Concierge.
My other projects include:
Digital fashion lookbooks. Looking for live reviews? Through live try-ons, unretouched photos, and detailed videos, I bring each fashion piece to life. Experience authenticity. Embrace confidence.
2Jour Stylist Club. Born from the idea of fashion lookbooks and my true passion for fashion - subscription-based fashion group to help women navigate overwhelming offerrings and finally "have something to wear".